Section 4 – Phase 1
Week 3 – Emotional Eating
Session at a Glance:
- Weight Standings – 10 minutes
- Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
- Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
- Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
- General Questions – 5 minutes
- Homework – 5 minutes
Hello, Week 2 is done. Can you believe we are two full weeks into this?
It’s kind of crazy! We got our week 2 weigh-ins done, and now let’s look at our standings after week 2.
1. Weight Standings
- Go through the standings from last place to first place.
In total we as a group in week 2, you lost ____________ pounds. Awesome job!!
- Can I Get a Whoop Whoop!!!
- Celebrate their new weight decade. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb; the new decade is 170!
2. Topic: Emotional Eating
So tonight, we are going to talk about Emotional Eating
- More importantly, Finding Your Triggers.
- We all have them, but most people never think about them.
- What triggers you to emotionally eat, to emotionally drink
- For most of us, this starts when we are little
- Rewarded for being positive
- Punished for not eating all of our food
- We have been conditioned to eat emotionally – what emotions
- Happy – Sad – Angry – Frustrated – Lonely – Celebrations – Holidays – Late Night
- In most cases, we have been conditioned to eat emotionally
- We have created rewards – traditions – all about the food
- Then we are raised or raise our kids to do the same thing
- Make food a reward
- Some of us emotionally eat for ALL of them. When we are happy & when we are sad.
- Being overweight is emotional, not logical; we logically know we should not eat the food, but when our emotions come into play, all logic goes out the window.
- Emotions will always lead us down a path that doesn’t align with our goals.
- So, since we live in a world filled with emotions and emotional people, we have to learn OUR TRIGGERS
- What triggers us to eat emotionally
- Give examples – lonely, driving, late night, weekends, holidays, hard days, free food, success, work, fight with a spouse,
- We are never going to change people or situations or get rid of our emotions.
- We must change the way we deal with them.
- First step – Recognizing our triggers
- Second step – next time it happens, how will we choose to deal with it
- It is going to happen again, but if you already have a plan of how to deal with it, we aren’t caught off guard, we aren’t surprised, we aren’t leaving our health to emotion
- We are making decisions according to our goals by choice, not hoping to get lucky by chance.
- Next time I get frustrated by the kids – I will take a walk instead of eating
- Next time I have a bad day at work, I will do______________
- When I am tempted to late night eat, I will drink water, drink tea, etc
3. Question for the Cast
- What is at least one trigger you know we need to address ASAP???
- Just on top of your head, make it your best guess!
4. Motivation/Encouragement
- As we come into week 4 – now that you know this, you will start to see your triggers all over.
- You will start to recognize it, you will start to take control back,
- You will start to succeed where you have not.
- You will triumph over situations that have stopped you in the past.
- You will start to see your goals /dreams turn into reality.
5. General Questions?
6. Homework for this week
- Weekly progress photos
- Write down your triggers
- Pen and paper or use your computer
- Create a plan of attack: What am I going to do next time if I get triggered?
- Come to the group and tell us about it when you have overcome it!
- Read your contract “I commit to” and your declaration
- Keep it in front of you, and remind yourself daily.
- Look for any areas where you are not doing what you have promised yourself that you would do.
Observe the following Life Class Example.