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Script #7 – Week 5 – Habits


Session at a Glance:

  1. Weight Standings – 10 minutes
  2. Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
  3. Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
  4. Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
  5. General Questions – 5 minutes
  6. Homework – 5 minutes



Hello, Week 4 is done. We are one month in—it’s crazy how fast time is going! We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.  


1. Weight Standings 

  • Go through the standings from last place to first place.

As a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds in the past four weeks. Congratulations to all of you; you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!


  • Celebrate their new weight decade. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb; the new decade is 170!


2. Topic: Habits 

So tonight, we are going to talk about your habits.


  • First, we form our habits, and then they form us
    • We are where we are because of our habits.
    • This was a hard truth for me years ago.


  • How do you know what your habits are?  Look at your life; your results tell you.
    • In 20__ I was.. insert your level of obesity, which tells me I had ___________obese habits.
    • If you are overweight, you have overweight habits
    • If you are healthy, fit, in shape, you have healthy/fit habits
      • I pretended for a long time my habits were better than they were
      • But you cannot; you will not change something you already think you are good at or okay at or something that doesn’t need to change.


  • So, let’s talk about habits.
    • Habits are things we do without thinking, such as popping a pretzel in your mouth while making the kids lunch without even thinking
    • The way we respond to stress
    • How we speak – all habits; most of us do it without thinking


  • Our health is a direct result of our habits
    • What we eat in private shows up in public
    • Your spending habits show up In your bank account
    • How you treat your spouse shows up in your marriage
    • The choices we make under stress


  • To change your outcome and your life, you must first change your habits.
    • Definition of a habit – a settled or regular tenancy or practice, especially one that is hard to give up
    • A habit is a routine behavior that is repeated and tends to occur subconsciously – a fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental exercise.


  • So, the first step in changing your habits is figuring out your destination. What is your goal, and if failure wasn’t an option, what would your health and your body look like?


  • Second – what habits do you currently have that do not line up with this goal? What habits need to go
    • Examples are night snacking, fast food for lunch, drinking too much soda, not working out, being negative, quitting, getting frustrated, and complaining about what I am doing.
    • Most of the population doesn’t want to look at these things. Ignoring them will not get you closer to your goal; it will only keep you stuck.


  • Third – which habits do I need to reach this goal, and which activities are going to move me closer to this goal
    • Meal prepping, speaking positively, drinking water, checking in, working out, plugging into personal dev (FSTS), getting sleep…etc…


  • The truth is that change is required to get change.  Change is the catalyst to change, period!  If you change nothing, nothing will change.  


  • Building strong habits is what will keep you on track in the long run; it is what will help you not only lose weight but also keep it off.
    • It is a huge component that 99% of diets don’t do. 


3. Question for the Cast 

  • How did it feel picking out your goal outfits last week & what is one habit that must change to reach your goal?
  • What is the first thing you are writing on your Habit Tracker, something you must do to get the life you want?


4. Motivation/Encouragement 

  • Yes—Yes—Yes—I love hearing all of this. So, as we head into week 5, it is important to search for bad habits, start getting rid of them, and then replace them with successful habits. 
  • I am going to give you a tool to help build these new habits.
  • Habits are built through repetition. So I am going to give you this habit tracker: write down the habits you need to reach your goal, and every day you complete it, you give yourself a check mark; the more check marks you can get in a row – the more consistent you are, the faster you will develop the habit.
    • The more inconsistent you are—one day on, one day off, two days on, day off, five days on, two days off—the slower you will develop the habit.
  • Know that I am in your corner. We are doing this. Look at how far you have come in these past five weeks.  


5. General Questions? 


6. Homework for this week

  • Make a list either on paper or type and print it out
  • The list should be anything anyone has said to you about you that has made you feel less than regarding your weight and your health.  You can also be on this list; for some of you, you are your biggest offender.
  • I want you to go all the way back, as far as you can remember.
  • The kid on the playground that called you fat, the boyfriend that tried to get you to lose weight, if you look in the mirror and say mean things about your cellulite
  • You will bring that list with you next week. The more you put into this, the more you will get out of it.
  • For some of you, next week will be your most powerful week in this program.


  • Tonight, this is a BIG ONE, like HUGE.  If you just got THIS THING we are tackling this week, your entire life would look completely different.