Destiny Global, LLC Logo
Destiny Global, LLC Logo

Step 1 of 3

Event Ethics Agreement

Event Ethics Agreement(Required)

I,  , understand and agree to the following:

That this seminar is an open seminar, and that there are other people here this weekend, like myself, from their respective companies that have made a considerable investment in attending this seminar and developing their businesses.

I understand and agree that I am responsible for my own actions and will honor and respect others in attendance at this event the entire weekend, and I WILL NOT represent myself, my company, my business, & Destiny Global in an unethical manner. I understand that while I am encouraged to make new contacts and friends this weekend, that this event is NOT a recruiting forum or opportunity to solicit others about my products, business, or opportunity. I understand any individuals, products or businesses spoken of from the stage this weekend are merely used as examples and/or role playing and ARE NOT an endorsement by Destiny Global, Ken Brown, Jackie O’Quinn, Carmen O’Quinn, Dr. April Brown or any other presenter this weekend.

I understand that any violation or misconduct will be brought to my attention and I will be asked to stop. I further understand that if the issue continues it could lead up to me being asked to leave the seminar without receiving my money back.

Note: You won't be able to check the checkbox and agree to the Ethics Agreement unless you've scrolled to the bottom.