Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was In $54,000 in credit card debt, living paycheck to paycheck
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Have paid off $184,430 of debt in 47 months.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? The skills learned at these events helped become financially educated with the right tools.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was vague in my goals and only a shell of a person.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Have specific goals. I’m fully alive on the inside
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Helps me focus on my priorities, my family.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was floundering about life and FSTS helped me change.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I have started a new business.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? These events are helping me with time and destiny.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was depressed, obese and living in poverty.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now am happy, healthy & growing in financial freedom.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I learned new skills and it held me accountable.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was just coasting in life and living a mediocre life
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have hope, vision and skills to live my dream life
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I got a promotion, a raise and an award at work!
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was I was burnt out, I was a truck driver for a construction company and hungry for a relationship that I didn’t have.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I found the spark I was looking for, I’m going to marry the woman that I absolutely love, and I’m superintendent of the same construction company I was driving a truck for. I did it, you can do it too.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? They have given me the road map and tools for the destination I was wanting. I would not be where I am today if it was not for First Steps or this community.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Overweight and miserable, was scared to look at my bank account, and had horrible communication
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Have lost 55lbs, am well on my way to bring out of debt, and I got married to the love of my life!
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? The consistent connection and communication with likeminded people who push me to grow is invaluable.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Struggling with my confidence and couldn’t say no.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Finding new ways to look at things.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was stressed out in my marriage with financial lack, and having a minor heart attack at 35 years old.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have learned skills that dramatically improved my relationship with my wife and children, grew our business, bought another business during the pandemic, growing it and increasing sales to 7 figures!!
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I have gained both vision and direction for my marriage, family and our businesses!!!
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was living frugally but comfortable. I did a lot of impulse buying for food and gifts.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now stopped overbuying and paid off $485 debt. | increased savings by 20% and charitable gifts by 100%.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Goal achieved! I see it wasn’t big enough!
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Mountain of debt and broken relationships!
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Relationships restored and paid off over $600k in debt and now own investment properties!
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? By giving me a clear path to achieve the goals that I desire!
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was so stressed trying to pay for my university tuition with a part time job, and had no idea what I was going to do after I graduate. I had a student loan and did not see myself getting financially free.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now am debt free, have almost in investments what I had in debt, and got a professional job that I was not qualified for using the Job Domination training! I have a purpose and plan for financial freedom.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I now know how to make more money, how to keep it and use it to make money while I travel the world! I've learned how to engage with people and how to provide them with value which plays a big role.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was stuck and frustrated as a wife and a mom, we were struggling financially and our business was going nowhere.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have a stronger and healthier relationship with my husband and children, our businesses is thriving, we can do more and give more and this is just the beginning for us.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I gained vision, courage and tools that helped us to get closer to the life we want.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was burnt out and living paycheck to paycheck.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have 4 streams of income and no longer burnt out
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? giving me the skills and tools to reach my goals
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was In debt and Did not know how to honor my husband or children.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Have a more harmonious marriage and such a better relationship with my adult children. We had paid off over 300k during the pandemic.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? There is always something to learn when I’ve continued to come to these events. I’ve seen how my changing has spurred my family to want to do the same and have seen how I’ve changed.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was overweight, struggling to get out of debt and felt stressed out all the time by my family and job.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now am the healthiest I've ever been in my life after losing 80 pounds, have paid off more than $51,000 in debt, and have reduced my stress by learning how to accomplish goals while better managing my time.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? By plugging into all Destiny Global has to offer, I've transformed my mindset, which has transformed my life. I've learned how to dream bigger than ever before, how to turn those dreams into achievable goals AND how to accomplish those goals and live life by design. At First Steps To Success and Creating A Dynasty, I've learned and practiced skills that I did not learn while earning bachelor's and master's degrees, such as time management, how to honor others and create wealth. If I had not said yes to the call to give Destiny Global a year of my life, I would still be stuck and even more miserable than I was. These events have changed my life, and I believe that they can change yours too.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Drowning in thousands of dollars in debt, struggling with my home based business and my marriage was in roommate status.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now am 100% completely DEBT FREE! My business has grown exponentially and I am now a multi millionaire.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I have been equipped with the time tested skillsets that set you up for SUCCESS. I have learned the “HOW,” to make the necessary shifts in all areas of my life and accelerated my timeline.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was divorced, deep in debt, and trying to figure where I wanted to go in my life.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have a plan on how I will completely eliminate my debt, a direction in where I want my career to go, and I have a happy and healthy marriage.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I have learned how better interact with the people in my life, learned strategies on living within my means while investing, giving back, and paying off debt.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was burdened with $14,000 of consumer debt.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now am debt free & grown deeper in my relationships.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? It helped me to set up steps leading to success.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was broken and thought things would never get better. I was in survival mode and I was unable to dream.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have started my own business. I am the President of a non profit organization. I have balance in my home and my relationships with my children are better than ever.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? It has helped me to believe in myself. To learn that I can create the life of my dreams. To let go of the things holding me back and to walk in faith.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was drowning in debt with no way out.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have paid off $37k+ & will be debt free in 5 years
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I no longer feel hopeless. I can see a way out now
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Broke and Broken in my marriage and our Business and a million$$ in Debt and I had an addiction to Alcohol
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now My wife and I have paid off a Million $$ in Debt And healed our Marriage and got over my addiction from Alcohol, and we have a very Successful Business and several streams of income
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? My Wife and I now Love doing life together and we travel and go on vacation together several times a year! We haveFinancial Freedom, And we have tools to get past obstacles in our life
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Ive known something was missing. What?
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Putting the spiritual side in action
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? A whole life experience not just money and work
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Broke, insecure and no direction in life.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Realize my need for more personal development
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Gave me the skills to dream again
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Prior to first steps to success I was a hot mess. I was living in a box with fear a doubt and I was drowning in debt.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I have lift my box and I a living my life with freedom to be me! I learned how to pay off my debt and will be completely debt free in a couple of months.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? By teaching me how to overcome my pain and fear. Now I and who God created me to be
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was I clashed with people at work and was concerned about losing my job.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I have better work relationships and did not lose my job nor lost any jobs I have had since my first First Steps to Success in October 2018. I found approximately $158 in fat. I paid off $218,186.37 in approximately 30 months (October 2018 April 2021; two and a half years) as of April 2021 and remain debt free.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I understand people better. I understand myself better. I am gradually improving in giving people space to be themselves, accepting them for who they are, and less judgmental of others.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Living a life full of horrible relationships. I was failing at my job, I could not talk with people especially my family. I was slowly spiraling down into a life without purpose.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now In a matter of three months I got two raises, at my job. I now have an amazing relationship with my family. I am excelling as a student, and stepping up in leadership.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Well First Steps To Success helps identify where you want to go, Dynasty helps you accomplish those one of a kind desires in your life. It is the best investment I could do in life.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was drowning in debt and no communication skills
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Paid off $100,000 in debt, learned to Communicate
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Helped me gain a more positive Outlook, set goals
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was a burned out HVAC technician
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now have freedom in my work and time to be with family
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I see my potential and believe in me
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Dead broke, unemployed and selling my vehicle to have something to live off from, plus I was single following a recent breakup.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Am an engineer overseeing a quarter section of Kansas for a U.S. agency and earned a 140% increase in my salary after 3 months of working. And I am now engaged to the man I had broken up with prior to attending.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Change my mindsets as these trainings have helped me re order my priorities, improve relationships in my life and teach me how to live within my means.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was broke, broken, and had no idea how deeply I still was after losing my dad to suicide 15 yrs prior.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now Have paid off over $89K, am completely debt free, and now I get to live my dream of inspiring and showing others that overcoming whatever their facing is truely possible too.
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Not only did I find real solutions to everything that was keeping me stuck, I received practical tools to actually change every situation that was holidng me back. I now knew, that the only thing standing between me and what I hoped life would someday become, was taking action. I actually still, 6 years later can't believe what my life has continued to become because of finding Destiny Global, and the mentor who was willing to show me how. Her courage gave me courage to do the impossible! Now I get to live my dream of inspiring and showing others too that overcoming whatever their facing is truely possible.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was in debt, one income household and struggling in marriage.
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now paid off $92,000 in 12 months, became 100% debt free including mortgage, and restored marriage! Became millionaires 4 years after paying off debt!
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? I was released from limiting beliefs, learned how develop essential success skills, and found an encouraging/supportive/uplifting community.
Prior to finding First Steps To Success™ I was Broke, almost homeless, single, drowning in debt, hopeless, not plan for my future
Since coming to First Steps To Success™ I now I am making multiple 6 figures, paid off $150k of debt, married with 7 kids, have made significantly more income every year for the last 4 years straight, went on our dream honeymoon!!
How has First Steps To Success™ & Creating A Dynasty™ helped you get closer to that destination? Provided hope, a path to follow, instruction, the mindsets and environment for growth