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Script #6 – Week 4 – Life & Death is in the Power of Your Tongue – Part 1


Session at a Glance:

  1. Weight Standings – 10 minutes
  2. Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
  3. Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
  4. Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
  5. General Questions – 5 minutes
  6. Homework – 5 minutes



Hello—Hello—Three weeks down, 21 days baby. We’ve done our weigh-ins, so let’s jump into our standings for the week.


1. Weight Standings 

  • Go through the standings from last place to first place.

In total we as a group in week 2, you lost ____________ pounds.  Awesome job!!

  • Can I Get a Whoop Whoop!!!  


  • Celebrate their new weight decade. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb; the new decade is 170!


In the past 3 weeks, as a team, you have lost a total of ______ pounds!!!  Not starving yourself, not spending all day in the gym, not cutting out carbs, just following a simple program!


2. Topic: Life & Death is in the Power of Your Tongue – Part 1 (previous season hosts, if applicable)

Tonight, this is a BIG ONE, like HUGE.  If you just got THIS THING we are tackling this week, your entire life would look completely different.  

Tonight, we are talking about your words, what comes out of your mouth, Because Life & death is in the POWER OF YOUR TONGUE!  

When I re-committed to losing weight and getting healthy, there were three things that I immediately changed. I learned this through business, and I thought, wow, it worked well there; let me apply this to weight loss and see what happens.  

I made a goal, a declaration, that my words would start aligning with the woman I wanted to become, the person I wanted to become.

  • No more old words while trying to become a new person
  • Negative words are like a glass ceiling/barrier to your success.
  • You cannot speak negativity and expect to live a positive life
    • It only knows what you tell it
    • What you speak becomes your truth!!  
    • Your actions follow your words.


  • Examples:
    • I have to work out – I hate working out – I don’t like to work out
      • If that is your truth, how does someone act who believes they don’t like to work out?
    • I don’t like vegetables/fruit
      • How does someone act who believes they don’t like veggies
    • I am tired
      • How does someone who believes they are tired act
    • I am starving/famished
      • How does someone act who believes they are starving?  Truthfully, you are not starving; you can go for 15 days without food.  You are not starving after 8 hours, not even close.
    • I am so frustrated
      • How does someone act who believes they are frustrated


  • Are you catching this
    • So I am not tired, I am ready – I am not starving – my body is eating my fat – I don’t hate working out, I get to work out and be a strong mom and future grandmother – I don’t hate vegetables, I am building the body of my dreams and eating according to my goals.


  • Your words MUST line up with where you want to go, who you want to become
    • First, you speak out loud or in your head, and then you act; your actions always line up with what you say


3. Question for the Cast 

Pick a question to ask.

  • If you could go back and give your 18-year-old self one piece of health advice, what would it be?
  • What is one thing that you are currently saying to yourself, and how can you reframe it and make it positive?


4. Motivation/Encouragement 

  • So, this week, as we approach week 5, make sure your words align with who you want to become.  
    • Shining light on this, you become aware of it you will now start to catch yourself, and you will now start to recognize this in yourself and others.
    •  Once you recognize, you can start to change, change the way you speak, change the way you act, and change your future.


5. General Questions? 


6. Homework for this week

  • Weekly progress photos
  • Pick out 3 goal outfits and send them to me with your progress photos