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Script #9 – Week 7 – Life and Death is in the Power of Your Tounge – Part 2


Session at a Glance:

  1. Weight Standings – 10 minutes
  2. Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
  3. Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
  4. Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
  5. General Questions – 5 minutes
  6. Homework – 5 minutes


Hello, Week 6 is done, which means we are halfway through Phase 1! Congratulations!   

We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.  


1. Weight Standings 

  • Go through the standings from last place to first place.

In the past 6 weeks, as a group you have lost a total of _________ Pounds. Congratulations to all of you, you are changing your lives, your future, and your legacy!

New decades tonight are ____________________

  • Celebrate the new weight decade that they are in. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb, and the new decade is 170!


2. Topic: Life and Death is in the Power of Your Tounge

So tonight, we are going to revisit a topic we talked about a couple of weeks ago.  Why, because this one is so dang important, and 99.9% of the time, we have to hear something more than once before we fully understand it.  


  • And this one thing is something you must get if you want to succeed in your health and any area of your life.  
    • Tonight, we are revisiting life, and death is in the power of your tongue.
      • Since we talked about this a few weeks ago, how many of you have caught yourself being negative or speaking negatively? 
      • So, first and foremost, this is awesome, that is progress, the first step is starting to recognize it.  


  • So tonight, I want to dig a little deeper into this topic
  • Because here is the truth: our words truly affect everything in our lives – how we think, what we believe, and how we act.
  • We create our reality with our words.
  • Our words are either coming from fear or faith
    • They are either lining up with who we were or who we want to be


  • If we are speaking negative and expecting positive, these don’t line up
    • If we are rehearsing the past – but expecting a bright future, these don’t line up
    • Your brain does not know the difference between a truth and a lie, it only knows what YOU TELL IT


  • Example of 2 shakes:
    • The university asked for volunteers for a 2-part test
      • Week 1 – come in hungry. We are going to hook you up to machines, and you are going to drink a low-calorie, healthy shake.  We will test your hunger levels, etc.
      • People came in and drank the shake. The researchers found that some chemicals were released, and the edge was taken off of the hunger, but the person who consumed the shake was not completely satisfied. 
    • Some people came in – the following week – the same thing: they came in hungry, hooked up to machines.
      • But this week, they consumed full fat, indulgent chocolate milkshake
      • After consuming the shake, their body released chemicals saying that not only was the edge taken off, but they were fully satisfied, their belly was happy
      • So, two completely different results were achieved: the body released different amounts of chemicals.
    • Here is the catch: both shakes were the same. The only difference is the words used to describe the shakes.
    • The words used made the body release different amounts of chemicals; that is how powerful your words are


  • We live in a world that speaks out of emotion, not intention. We have to be intentional with our words.


  • Marriage Example:  are we speaking about our spouse as the spouse we want or the spouse we feel we got stuck with?


  • Our health – using words that line up with the health we want or words that depict our past 
    • Our words are poison or fruit.


  • Not just our words – but the words of other people


  • Imagine your life is a garden and words are seed
    • You cannot keep anyone from speaking negative seeds
    • But as the keeper – protector of the garden – we have to protect it
    • And be careful which seeds we water and which seeds we round up


3. Question for the Cast 

Where do you notice this affecting you the most, and what will you do about it moving forward?


4. Motivation/Encouragement 

  • So, as we move into week 7, it is asking ourselves, does this statement, this thought, this belief line up with who I am becoming?  And if it doesn’t – change it so that it does.  
  • Living your best life, having your dream body, and your dream health will never happen by accident; it takes work, and it takes intention.  
  • When you become the person in your mind that you want to be, it is only a matter of time before your reality follows.


5. General Questions? 


6. Homework for this week

  • Progress photos