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Script #10 – Week 8 – The Gray Zone


Session at a Glance:

  1. Weight Standings – 10 minutes
  2. Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
  3. Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
  4. Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
  5. General Questions – 5 minutes
  6. Homework – 5 minutes


Hello, Week 7 is done; we are wrapping up Week 7 and walking into Week 8, baby!!

We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.  


1. Weight Standings 

  • Go through the standings from last place to first place.

In the past seven weeks, as a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds. Congratulations to all of you; you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!

New decades tonight are ____________________

  • Celebrate the new weight decade that they are in. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb, and the new decade is 170!


2. Topic: The Grey Zone 

So tonight we will talk about THE GREY ZONE!!!

  • On the road to success, one of the key things is to find someone who has what you want and do what they do.  Find a program that has results and follows the recipe.  As adults, one of the hardest things for us to do is follow directions, which doesn’t come naturally.  What comes naturally is to change it – to complicate it.


  • For example:
    • If I give you the recipe for my triple chocolate cherry cake, and you follow the directions exactly, what is going to come out of your oven?  My amazingly delicious triple chocolate cherry cake.  
    • But what most people do is they look at the recipe, they change it, question it, make substitutions, wing it, don’t measure, eyeball it, and then when they make the cake, what comes out is not my cake – it is an experiment.  
    • And then, when the cake doesn’t turn out, we don’t blame ourselves; we blame the recipe.


  • This also happens in life.
    • At the beginning of the program, you were given a checklist, and show results of people who have followed the program and the results that it spits out – it is black and white.
    • But human nature is to change it, wing it, assume it, be lazy with it, half-hearted with it.
      • When you are not following the black & white recipe, This is called the GREY ZONE
    • The GREY ZONE is then you are drinking water all day, not measuring it, and saying I think I had enough
      • It is when we fill our containers, and the lid won’t go on
      • It is when we take a lick of peanut butter
      • A spoonful of taco meat
      • We are texting during our workout versus doing it
      • We aren’t watching the Tuesday night live video
    • In short, it is anything we do that is not following the plan
      • And this is what naturally happens – we have to fight not to get comfortable and be in the gray zone
    • If we look back at your contract – what we both agreed to
      • Did it say, check in when you want to
      • Take as many nibbles as you like, as long as your Coach doesn’t know
      • Check-in when you feel like it
      • Work out when it is convenient, and life is not busy
    • All the things on the contract were requirements – not suggestions 
      • They were put there to help you get results
      • You cannot put in 60% effort and expect 100% results
      • You only get out 100% if you put in 100% — PERIOD
    • Who is in charge of your choices??  Correct


3. Question for the Cast 

  • What areas have you been in the gray zone & how do you plan to fix it?


4. Motivation/Encouragement 

  • As we come into week 8, it is reminding yourself what you are fighting for and what you are doing this for.  Reminding yourself that you are worth it.  
    • That you can do hard things – you were created to do hard things.  
      • You are the master of your fate, the captain of your ship
    • You have to direct your ship where to go.
    • Now is the time; now is your time!!


5. General Questions? 


6. Homework for this week

Draw for names; each person is going to encourage one of your fellow cast mates for 2-3 minutes.

  • What you appreciate about them is speaking from your heart to their heart.  You can do it in words, a poem, a song, or anagram.  There is no wrong way to do this.