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Script #11 – Week 9
Session at a Glance:
- Weight Standings – 10 minutes
- Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
- Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
- Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
- General Questions – 5 minutes
- 6. Homework – 5 minutes
Hello, Week 8 is officially DONE, week 9 here we come!
We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.
1. Weight Standings
- Go through the standings from last place to first place.
In the past 8 weeks, as a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds. Congratulations to all of you, you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!
New decades tonight are ____________________
- Celebrate the new weight decade that they are in. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb, and the new decade is 170!
2. Topic: Seacret Encouraging Santa
For some of you tonight, this is going to be your favorite week. Tonight, you are going to receive two blessings. One blessing is obvious: You will be encouraged by one of your fellow cast members.
- We live in a world filled with opinions, negatives, etc..
- Tonight, as your cast member is speaking to you, your only job besides listening is to RECEIVE THEIR WORDS.
- To allow yourself to believe what they say.
- Words are seeds, so as they plant positive seeds in your garden, you water them.
- Human nature naturally waters negative seeds over positive ones.
- Example: if you walk into your work 30 days and 29 of them you say Good Morning, how is your day going – with a smile – and one of the days you hurriedly rush to your office without speaking, the person will remember the one day you made them feel bad, not the 29 you made them feel good
- So, as the protector of our garden, it is important to round up the seeds we don’t want and water the seeds we do want.
- Second – we get the blessing to be able to be an encouragement to another human being, which is not only a huge blessing and arguably feels better than being encouraged.
- Encouraging another human, seeing their face change, is far more fun than just being encouraged
- It can change another human’s life, and when you become an encourager, you are changing/impacting people’s lives.
3. Question for the Cast
- So first is ______________ ___________, who are you secretly encouraging Santa to tonight?
- Go through the list until you are done
- How did that feel? Does anyone else have a Perma smile right now?
4. Motivation/Encouragement
- As we come into Week 9 this week, it is important to remind yourself of the things that have been said. To focus on it, water these seeds to allow their positive beliefs to become yours. I am so proud of you for how far you have come and how far you will continue to go as we remove these limiting beliefs and you start to walk into who you were created to be
5. General Questions?
6. Homework for this week
- Write out encouragement for yourself, as If you were sitting across the table from yourself – we have to learn the skill to be able to encourage ourselves. Encouragement from others is nice, but encouraging yourself is necessary for long-term success – bring it with you next week.