Section 4 – Phase 1
Week 10 – Dealing with Negative People
Session at a Glance:
- Weight Standings – 10 minutes
- Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
- Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
- Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
- General Questions – 5 minutes
- Homework – 5 minutes
Week 10, we are more than 2/3 of the way through phase 1, where the heck Is time going? We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.
1. Weight Standings
- Go through the standings from last place to first place.
In the past 9 weeks, as a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds. Congratulations to all of you, you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!
New decades tonight are ____________________
- Celebrate the new weight decade that they are in. Eg. 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb, the new decade is 170!
2. Topic: Dealing with Negative People
So tonight, we are going to talk about something that we will all have to deal with at some point. Something that, if we are not prepared for it, can cause doubt, self-sabotage, frustration, and even quitting.
- Dealing with negative – unsupportive people.
- Here is the thing: most people think because we have people in our lives who love us and support us, we won’t have to deal with this, but WRONG.
- I, too, have people in my life who love me, and this happened to me often and from so many people that I never expected it from.
- Have you noticed we live in a world where everyone has an opinion???
- Two things
- Other people’s opinions are none of your business
- Second – never take criticism from someone you would not take advice from
- Most – almost all of the people that will have opinions on your health – weight loss journey: Do they have the body and the health you want?
- If the answer is NO, why would we listen to them
- If we listen to their advice/opinion, we will be where they are at
- Unfortunately, we walk around caring far too much about what other people think
- We need to care/value what we believe more than what others think
- We have to know who we are where we are going
- Or we will be who they say we are and go where they say we should
- I first experienced this after losing about 60 lbs. I had gone from 288 to 213 ish, and a friend saw me for the first time and had a mini meltdown.
- She accused me of being too skinny, and I didn’t have any more weight to lose.
- She accused me of only losing weight so I would have a story to market products, luckily at the moment, I had enough sense to realize all this stuff she was saying came from her insecurities, she was also morbidly obese and me losing weight pressed on her insecurities.
- Along the road of losing 161 lbs, everyone close to me had something to say – an opinion to give
- There was only one person, my husband, who didn’t
- I remember going to him and saying, if you ever see me doing something unhealthy, please tell me
- The part that ticked me off was where were all those concerned people when I was eating another donut; nowhere they weren’t saying squat.
- Now I decide to get healthy and OMG
- You have to know where you are going; you have to protect your mind
- Don’t defend, don’t argue – that only plants doubt in your head.
- Give examples of how to do this (role play with them)
3. Question for the Cast
- Last week, you wrote out self-encouragement. I want you to go through that now, as if you were sitting across the table from yourself.
4. Motivation/Encouragement
You have to become your biggest cheerleader, someone who can rally yourself, get yourself going, out of a funk, a pit, to move on the days you don’t feel like it. Being your own hype girl, for many of us, this is not natural; it takes practice.
- Most of us have created a habit out of criticizing ourselves – we accept from ourselves and other people.
- We need a new standard
- Reflection is ok; new ways and new solutions are ok
- Criticism is not
- You will never criticize or hate your way to the health you want
5. General Questions?
6. Homework for this week
Observe the following Life Class Example.