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Script #13 – Week 11
Session at a Glance:
- Weight Standings – 10 minutes
- Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
- Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
- Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
- General Questions – 5 minutes
- Homework – 5 minutes
Hello, Week 10 is done, and we are coming into week 11—there are only two weeks left in phase 1.
We weighed in, so let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month.
1. Weight Standings
- Go through the standings from last place to first place.
In the past 9 weeks, as a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds. Congratulations to all of you, you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!
New decades tonight are ____________________
- Celebrate their new weight decade. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb; the new decade is 170!
2. Topic: Overcome the Past so we can build the Future
QUESTION 1: So tonight, we will start with how the workout was for you. What were your thoughts, how did you feel?
- Isn’t it amazing how 10 weeks ago, most of you could not imagine doing that workout? One year ago, most of you would have laughed at the person who told you that you would be doing it and felt empowered after it. But here you are, making these changes
- Proving you can do hard things, doing hard things because you were made to do hard things
- So tonight, we want to talk to you about a few different things – all of which are going to help you finish strong and run across the finish line at full speed ad instead of limping across the finish line
- Most of you have come so far in the last 10 weeks
- You are fitting into clothes you haven’t in years
- Some of you are seeing numbers on the scale you haven’t seen since your wedding day.
- Some of you are feeling better and having more energy than ever
- People are noticing, they are commenting, they are telling you how great you look
- And THIS, here, can be your enemy if you are not careful
- Because the worst thing about success is a little bit
- If we are not careful, we start to read our own press, we let off the gas, we start to slip into the gray zone, we lose focus, and when that happens, we lose our results
- This is not the time to celebrate your arrival; this is your time to lean in, push in, and remember what phase you are in
- You didn’t come this far to only come this far
- We don’t stop the race at the halfway point; the ¾ point
- A football team doesn’t drive the ball down the field to the 20 yard line and say well good enough boys & walk off the field, no they keep driving until they reach the end zone.
- You HAVE to keep your eye on the prize and keep driving until you reach the endzone. And you are not there yet.
- SECOND – when you were starting, you had excitement; through time, excitement always fades, and when the excitement is gone, the work is still there, but this time without the excitement,
- The hard sets in – you realize it is work, and work without excitement isn’t as easy.
- But we’re not looking for easy
- We are looking for worth it
- Don’t ask for it to be easy; easy doesn’t last!
- You can do hard things; you can finish what you started
- Do the things you agreed to on Day 1
- Don’t complicate it – keep it simple
3. Question for the Cast
- What has impacted you most on this journey? What has been your biggest revelation?
4. Motivation/Encouragement
- Lastly & In Closing – Finishing STRONG
- We all get started on things – we have all started things before and had good intentions and fell off, the excitement faded, and we got frustrated and quit.
- We have all been there.
- But not this time and not you – this time is different
- This time, you are different
- This time, you have a coach, you have a mentor, you have a team around you
- We are here with you, but no one will do it for you
- No one will fight for your future harder than you will
- This is your time to FIGHT, to take it by storm, to prove to all the naysayers who said you couldn’t – that you can, you will, and you are
- Who is with me – Who is with me – WHO IS WITH ME
5. General Questions?
6. Homework for this week