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Destiny Global, LLC Logo
Section 4 – Phase 1 

Week 12 – Your Secret Weapon – Consistency Creates Momentum 

Session at a Glance:

  1. Weight Standings – 10 minutes
  2. Teaching on Topic – 30 minutes
  3. Question for the Cast – 30 minutes
  4. Motivation/Encouragement – 10 minutes
  5. General Questions – 5 minutes
  6. Homework – 5 minutes


Hello, Week 11 is done.

We are coming into week 12—there is only one more week left in phase 1. We weighed in. Let’s get to the standings and see who is in the lead after our first month. 


1. Weight Standings 

  • Go through the standings from last place to first place.

As a group, you have lost a total of _________ Pounds in the past 11 weeks. Congratulations to all of you; you are changing your lives, future, and legacy!

New decades tonight are ____________________

  • Celebrate their new weight decade. For example, 182 lb, down 3lb = 179 lb; the new decade is 170!


2. Topic: The Secret Weapon – Consistency Creates Momentum

How was last week’s call with the Allstars?  Aren’t they amazing? In just a few weeks, you will be mentors to the brand new group coming in, which will be very powerful for your journey.

  • But tonight, I want to talk to you about something that is literally like a SECRET WEAPON, something that is like pouring gasoline on the fire.  
  • It is a magical thing called CONSISTENCY 
  • Consistency creates momentum
  • Momentum is where things happen faster, easier, and with more joy
  • This is the phase where motivation comes from
    • Motivation never comes before the work. It always comes after we have done the work.
  • Most people are waiting for the motivation bug to come and bite them.  
    • Have you figured out yet that it isn’t coming?


  • There is a KILLER of momentum that is INCONSISTENCY
    • And most of us have been doing this for most of our diets
      • 2 steps forward – 3 steps back
      • Being on track for 4 days and then off track on the weekend
    • There is no substitute for consistency – you can’t fake it, you can’t halfway do it
      • You are either consistent, or you are not
    • Our results always tell us where our consistency is
      • Some of you are consistent in doing the wrong activity
      • That is how we get unhealthy – consistently doing the wrong things over and over
      • We are never what we do some of the time. We are what we do most of the time.


  • True consistency happens when we feel like it and when we don’t
    • It is not being on plan one day and then off plan the other day
    • True consistency is where good habits are built.
    • Doing the right thing over and over and over again until it becomes a habit


  • Pushing a car example, the hardest part is getting it going
    • Cannot slam on the breaks every time you get the car going
    • Life and death are in the power of your tongue. I can tell you all day, all night, how you are going to finish, but it doesn’t matter what I say. It matters what you say
    • So tonight is about your declaration, your words, your intention of HOW YOU WILL FINISH


3. Question for the Cast 

  • How will you finish this last week?


4. Motivation/Encouragement 

  • Lean into that, repeat it, put it on the wall, rehearse it. You set your standard; now, let’s stick to it.
  • Let’s leave everything on the table, give it all we got in this last week, and when we show up next week, you will be able to hold your head high and know you left it all on the court.


5. General Questions?


6. Homework for this week

  •  Progress photos

Observe the following Life Class Example.