Section 8 – Branding Library
3. Marketing your Business & Getting Clients – Part 1
It all starts with what you think about yourself
- All of us have places where we can feel we are not qualified enough.
- All of us can have places where we start doubting.
- All of us have places where we find fear if we choose to.
- This can come from past general failures and working as a coach.
- This can come from trying to do health programs before.
- This can come from trying to lose weight yourself without success.
How can you reprogram our thinking?
At one point, we need to decide to make a fresh start. Your past does not have to equal your future. What was then does not need to be now.
As long as you keep growing and developing a new mindset towards the coach you want to be, you are never the same person as you were yesterday.
Expose yourself to
- New experiences
- New skills: calling, prospecting, closing, and social media
No failure is ever final unless you stop pursuing your goal!
Part of success is to take the timetables off.
3 Ways to Get New Clients
- Personal Invite
- Referrals
- Social Media
“In the beginning, you work harder for less to get to a point where you work less for more.”
Personal Invite
- Who is your best asset when it comes down to your business?
- Who knows the strength of your business and what it can do for your clients?
You are the one who is most equipped to invite other people.
The fastest way to get new clients is to invite them personally!
Think about 10 people that would benefit from this program. How would it change their lives?