Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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This segment is a powerful journey of personal growth and empowerment. It recounts struggles with broken promises, financial hardships, and societal judgment, all while advocating for forgiveness and accountability. The speaker urges listeners to reject excuses, embrace responsibility, and pursue their goals with determination.

Carmen shares a powerful personal journey of her and Jackie’s marital struggle. Initially facing divorce, the Carmen took responsibility for change, applying lessons from business success to their marriage. Despite initial resistance, her commitment to personal growth and unwavering support eventually led to the healing of their relationship. The message emphasizes individual responsibility, unconditional commitment, and the transformative power of personal change in saving a struggling marriage.

Millions of people of go through their daily lives dragging an unsustainable amount of debt, believing that there is no other way to build the life they want, but always gripped with the fear that life could come crashing down at any minute.

There is another way, and you don’t have to be wealthy to enjoy it.

In fact, you can’t become wealthy until you make the mental shift Dani teaches in this series.

In this foundational training, you will learn how increase your value and results. Destiny Global CEO Ken Brown, explains how the Law of Value and the Law of Reaping and Sowing support each other and affect your life. You will learn how to implement these laws so you improve your success skills and create the life you want.

Money is just a tool – it’s not good or evil. The problems come from how we think about money that matters.

In this course, Dani teaches you the systems she learned for setting goals, establishing priorities, and directing time to the things that matter most. She also answers the work/life balance questions that frustrate so many people.


Dr. April Brown discusses the importance of focus in achieving one’s vision. She emphasizes the need for a spark to ignite and explode one’s vision, comparing it to a fire catching on and growing. Focus is presented as the key spark that can propel one’s vision forward.

Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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