Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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What freedom flyers are saying:

so stressed trying to pay for my university tuition with a part time job, and had no idea what I was going to do after I graduate. I had a student loan and did not see myself getting financially free.

am debt free, have almost in investments what I had in debt, and got a professional job that I was not qualified for using the Job Domination training! I have a purpose and plan for financial freedom.

Living a life full of horrible relationships. I was failing at my job, I could not talk with people especially my family. I was slowly spiraling down into a life without purpose.

In a matter of three months I got two raises, at my job. I now have an amazing relationship with my family. I am excelling as a student, and stepping up in leadership.

broke, broken, and had no idea how deeply I still was after losing my dad to suicide 15 yrs prior.

Have paid off over $89K, am completely debt free, and now I get to live my dream of inspiring and showing others that overcoming whatever their facing is truely possible too.

in-debt, one-income household and struggling in marriage.

paid off $92,000 in 12 months, became 100% debt-free including mortgage, and restored marriage! Became millionaires 4 years after paying off debt!

Broke and Broken in my marriage and our Business and a million$$ in Debt and I had an addiction to Alcohol

My wife and I have paid off a Million $$ in Debt And healed our Marriage and got over my addiction from Alcohol, and we have a very Successful Business and several streams of income

In $54,000 in credit card debt, living paycheck to paycheck

Have paid off $184,430 of debt in 47 months.

Drowning in thousands of dollars in debt, struggling with my home based business and my marriage was in roommate status.

am 100% completely DEBT FREE! My business has grown exponentially and I am now a multi-millionaire.

overweight, struggling to get out of debt and felt stressed out all the time by my family and job.

am the healthiest I've ever been in my life after losing 80 pounds, have paid off more than $51,000 in debt, and have reduced my stress by learning how to accomplish goals while better managing my time.

Prior to first steps to success I was a hot mess. I was living in a box with fear a doubt and I was drowning in debt.

I have lift my box and I a living my life with freedom to be me! I learned how to pay off my debt and will be completely debt free in a couple of months.

Overweight and miserable, was scared to look at my bank account, and had horrible communication

Have lost 55lbs, am well on my way to bring out of debt, and I got married to the love of my life!

I was burnt out, I was a truck driver for a construction company and hungry for a relationship that I didn’t have.

I found the spark I was looking for, I’m going to marry the woman that I absolutely love, and I’m superintendent of the same construction company I was driving a truck for. I did it, you can do it too.

stressed out in my marriage with financial lack, and having a minor heart attack at 35 years old.

have learned skills that dramatically improved my relationship with my wife and children, grew our business, bought another business during the pandemic, growing it and increasing sales to 7 figures!!

stuck and frustrated as a wife and a mom, we were struggling financially and our business was going nowhere.

have a stronger and healthier relationship with my husband and children, our businesses is thriving, we can do more and give more and this is just the beginning for us.

a burned out HVAC technician

have freedom in my work and time to be with family

floundering about life and FSTS helped me change.

I have started a new business.

burnt out and living paycheck to paycheck.

have 4 streams of income and no longer burnt out

vague in my goals and only a shell of a person.

Have specific goals. I’m fully alive on the inside

drowning in debt with no way out.

have paid off $37k+ & will be debt-free in 5 years

Ive known something was missing. What?

Putting the spiritual side in action

burdened with $14,000 of consumer debt.

am debt-free & grown deeper in my relationships.

Broke, insecure and no direction in life.

Realize my need for more personal development

drowning in debt and no communication skills

Paid off $100,000 in debt, learned to Communicate

Struggling with my confidence and couldn’t say no.

I am becoming more comfortable in my own skin.

depressed, obese and living in poverty.

am happy, healthy & growing in financial freedom.

just coasting in life and living a mediocre life

have hope, vision and skills to live my dream life

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