Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Jackie shares strategies for staying focused on long-term goals despite daily challenges. Here are the main points:

Get Clear on Your Goal: Define what you want to achieve with crystal clarity. Reflect on your life’s end goal and ensure your current actions align with this vision.

Focus on Immediate Next Steps: Break down your long-term goal into manageable, immediate tasks. Concentrate on completing the next step rather than becoming overwhelmed by the entire journey.

Handle Overwhelm by Refocusing: When feeling overwhelmed, revisit your goals and motivations. Use tools like a vision board to remind yourself of your purpose and keep moving forward despite frustrations.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with positive, goal-oriented individuals who can offer encouragement and share their experiences. This network will help you stay motivated and on track.

This segment is a powerful journey of personal growth and empowerment. It recounts struggles with broken promises, financial hardships, and societal judgment, all while advocating for forgiveness and accountability. The speaker urges listeners to reject excuses, embrace responsibility, and pursue their goals with determination.

Jackie, in this exclusive LifeMap lesson, addresses the often fearful perception of risk, emphasizing that humans are designed to take risks and that fear often magnifies the actual risk involved. He uses relatable examples such as driving, education, and relationships to illustrate how risks are inherently a part of life. Stressing the link between risk and potential reward, they highlight the importance of understanding one’s risk tolerance and considering the time it would take to replace lost money from investments. Jackie advocates for a more balanced approach to risk by evaluating worst-case scenarios and diversifying investments, aiming to empower individuals to manage risk rather than solely avoiding it.

Start this course to view its content.

In this foundational training, you will learn how increase your value and results. Destiny Global CEO Ken Brown, explains how the Law of Value and the Law of Reaping and Sowing support each other and affect your life. You will learn how to implement these laws so you improve your success skills and create the life you want.

If you think that some people are natural salespeople and you just don’t have what it takes, it’s time to crush that mindset.

In this course, Dani will show you the secret formula to building an irresistible presentation that has made her – and countless other people – shockingly wealthy and successful.

In this course, Dani teaches you the systems she learned for setting goals, establishing priorities, and directing time to the things that matter most. She also answers the work/life balance questions that frustrate so many people.


So much of how we experience life is based in our beliefs, so it is important that we manage them.

Your beliefs about yourself, your circumstances, and the people around you have a powerful effect on how you relate to them, especially if you allow them to form excuses that limit your actions.

In this powerful teaching from a live First Steps To Success seminar, Dani Johnson demonstrates the power of belief to shape your life.

Whether you are an employer or an employee, you influence your team’s productivity, efficiency, and morale. The differences between elite performers and benchwarmers are small but obvious. In this series, Dani will show you how to perform like a champion every day.

Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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