Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Jackie shares strategies for staying focused on long-term goals despite daily challenges. Here are the main points:

Get Clear on Your Goal: Define what you want to achieve with crystal clarity. Reflect on your life’s end goal and ensure your current actions align with this vision.

Focus on Immediate Next Steps: Break down your long-term goal into manageable, immediate tasks. Concentrate on completing the next step rather than becoming overwhelmed by the entire journey.

Handle Overwhelm by Refocusing: When feeling overwhelmed, revisit your goals and motivations. Use tools like a vision board to remind yourself of your purpose and keep moving forward despite frustrations.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with positive, goal-oriented individuals who can offer encouragement and share their experiences. This network will help you stay motivated and on track.

Dr. April Brown shares insights on effective parenting strategies, focusing on processing emotions, communicating with a spouse, and engaging with children in a responsible and loving manner.

This segment is a powerful journey of personal growth and empowerment. It recounts struggles with broken promises, financial hardships, and societal judgment, all while advocating for forgiveness and accountability. The speaker urges listeners to reject excuses, embrace responsibility, and pursue their goals with determination.

The content comprises the speaker, Carmen, sharing insights on fostering a passionate and enduring marriage. Carmen advocates for shared growth and reflection on meaningful moments, like wedding vows, to strengthen the bond between partners. She introduces the “24-hour rule,” encouraging couples to promptly address issues within a day to prevent lingering resentment. Carmen underscores the importance of maintaining the effort and enthusiasm of the early dating phase throughout the marriage, emphasizing continual wooing and appreciation. Overall, the speaker emphasizes proactive communication, forgiveness, and ongoing effort as pivotal factors in nurturing a thriving marital relationship.

Jackie, in this exclusive LifeMap lesson, addresses the often fearful perception of risk, emphasizing that humans are designed to take risks and that fear often magnifies the actual risk involved. He uses relatable examples such as driving, education, and relationships to illustrate how risks are inherently a part of life. Stressing the link between risk and potential reward, they highlight the importance of understanding one’s risk tolerance and considering the time it would take to replace lost money from investments. Jackie advocates for a more balanced approach to risk by evaluating worst-case scenarios and diversifying investments, aiming to empower individuals to manage risk rather than solely avoiding it.

Every day you are being influenced by the people around you. How you view yourself also impacts your results.

In this training taken from the bonus Next Gen event in Pensacola in July 2022, Carmen O’Quinn explains the impact your environment has on your future and whose opinion of you matters most.

The strategies in this course will help you redirect the trajectory of your life. You’ll be equipped to evaluate the influences around you and gain practical tools to answer who you are and where you belong….

Millions upon millions of people have lived and died with false belief that debt is normal and you can never live without it. The truth is, debt is negative wealth: it’s your future in someone else’s pocket. It’s time to get free. With our new understanding of wealth, money, and abundance, let’s use what you have available to you right now to declare war on your debt!! You never have to be broke and in debt again!


Wherever you find yourself in the year, this course will teach you 3 steps to follow to successfully plan so you can put your turn your vision into reality.

Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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