Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Jackie shares strategies for staying focused on long-term goals despite daily challenges. Here are the main points:

Get Clear on Your Goal: Define what you want to achieve with crystal clarity. Reflect on your life’s end goal and ensure your current actions align with this vision.

Focus on Immediate Next Steps: Break down your long-term goal into manageable, immediate tasks. Concentrate on completing the next step rather than becoming overwhelmed by the entire journey.

Handle Overwhelm by Refocusing: When feeling overwhelmed, revisit your goals and motivations. Use tools like a vision board to remind yourself of your purpose and keep moving forward despite frustrations.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with positive, goal-oriented individuals who can offer encouragement and share their experiences. This network will help you stay motivated and on track.

This segment is a powerful journey of personal growth and empowerment. It recounts struggles with broken promises, financial hardships, and societal judgment, all while advocating for forgiveness and accountability. The speaker urges listeners to reject excuses, embrace responsibility, and pursue their goals with determination.

Jackie, in this exclusive LifeMap lesson, addresses the often fearful perception of risk, emphasizing that humans are designed to take risks and that fear often magnifies the actual risk involved. He uses relatable examples such as driving, education, and relationships to illustrate how risks are inherently a part of life. Stressing the link between risk and potential reward, they highlight the importance of understanding one’s risk tolerance and considering the time it would take to replace lost money from investments. Jackie advocates for a more balanced approach to risk by evaluating worst-case scenarios and diversifying investments, aiming to empower individuals to manage risk rather than solely avoiding it.

Do you feel like you’ve hit a glass ceiling in your life, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get a breakthrough? Whether the struggle is in relationships, money, or business, there is one key issue that keeps people stuck in mediocre. In this series, you are going to learn the key to breaking through in every area.

In this course, Jackie O’Quinn dives into helping you recognize where you’re at so you can get to where you want to go.

Learn how to become debt free, accumulate wealth and transform your future and your family.

How to overcome the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, stop the reckless spending, and get your money working for you.

Anybody can be successful, no matter how they define success. Just as there are laws that govern the movement of physical objects, there are laws that govern success. Just as the Law of Gravity works whether you know it is working or not, the Laws of Success can either work for you or against you… and the choice is yours which way it goes. In this introductory teaching from Destiny Global CEO Ken Brown, you will learn what those laws are, how they work, and how to align your life to work with them, so that you can enjoy success in every area of your life.

Life isn’t always easy; at work and at home we all have setbacks that can make us feel like failures. Even world champions feel defeated sometimes. The difference between those who give up and those who press through is that successful people focus their attention on the little victories that make it all worth it.

You have little wins every day for which you can be grateful, and if you know how to look for them, they can be the fuel to keep you moving forward.

Nobody starts a journey at the destination, yet somehow, people expect to see their big dreams come to pass instantaneously.

If you want to achieve anything meaningful in life, you need to be prepared to stick with it for the long haul. That means you will need to celebrate the little wins along the way.

Entrepreneur Jackie O’Quinn learned this lesson as he went from failing to leading others to their own successes. Listen as he explains this powerful success principle.

This teaching may have done more than any other in the DJU to transform lives, ignite careers, save marriages, and prevent suicides. In Seeds And Roots, millionaire coach Dani Johnson helps you identify the beliefs and behaviors that are sabotaging your success, and guides you step by step to find the roots of those beliefs so you can rip them out and plants new seeds for the life you want. This dramatic teaching has ONLY been available at her advanced training seminar, Creating A Dynasty, but is now available to all LifeMap To Success subscribers.

It’s halftime and your team is losing. Everyone on the team looks beaten and discouraged when the coach walks in. But he knows something you don’t know: he has the other team’s playbook and he’s coming in to let you know that you can beat them with it. In this explosive video, business owner, speaker, and former NFL star Shawn Harper shares with you the four things every champion knows, why all champions have coaches, and how to win by finishing strong. Get ready to jump out of your chair!

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