Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Dr. April Brown shares insights on effective parenting strategies, focusing on processing emotions, communicating with a spouse, and engaging with children in a responsible and loving manner.

This segment is a powerful journey of personal growth and empowerment. It recounts struggles with broken promises, financial hardships, and societal judgment, all while advocating for forgiveness and accountability. The speaker urges listeners to reject excuses, embrace responsibility, and pursue their goals with determination.

Jackie, in this exclusive LifeMap lesson, addresses the often fearful perception of risk, emphasizing that humans are designed to take risks and that fear often magnifies the actual risk involved. He uses relatable examples such as driving, education, and relationships to illustrate how risks are inherently a part of life. Stressing the link between risk and potential reward, they highlight the importance of understanding one’s risk tolerance and considering the time it would take to replace lost money from investments. Jackie advocates for a more balanced approach to risk by evaluating worst-case scenarios and diversifying investments, aiming to empower individuals to manage risk rather than solely avoiding it.

Why do some marriages thrive while others just barely survive?

It’s because some couples learn the skills to manage their feelings, their words, and their conflicts in healthy, productive ways.

In this series, Dani shows you what you and your spouse should be able to expect from each other, how to understand the purpose of conflict, and how to get real about sex.

It’s halftime and your team is losing. Everyone on the team looks beaten and discouraged when the coach walks in. But he knows something you don’t know: he has the other team’s playbook and he’s coming in to let you know that you can beat them with it. In this explosive video, business owner, speaker, and former NFL star Shawn Harper shares with you the four things every champion knows, why all champions have coaches, and how to win by finishing strong. Get ready to jump out of your chair!

Looking to get along better with others?

Start by accepting who they are. Trying to change others is the sure fire way not to win friends or influence people.

In this free content series, we give you the tools to repair and recharge your relationships.

Are you easily “triggered?” Many people live their lives reacting to others’ actions, or – worse yet – over-reacting as a means of controlling people. In this short video, Dani shows how you can be totally free from the cycles of controlling and being controlled by the people around you.

Carmen shares a powerful personal journey of her and Jackie’s marital struggle. Initially facing divorce, the Carmen took responsibility for change, applying lessons from business success to their marriage. Despite initial resistance, her commitment to personal growth and unwavering support eventually led to the healing of their relationship. The message emphasizes individual responsibility, unconditional commitment, and the transformative power of personal change in saving a struggling marriage.

Rubies are some of the most powerful, driven people in the world.

They are quick to take charge, make confident decisions, and get things done. They are natural-born leaders, and when they see a challenge, they rise up to meet it.

But we all have limits.

Sometimes even rubies can get in over their heads and find themselves responsible for more than they can handle.

I know, that would never happen to you, but other rubies can lead themselves to burnout, health problems, and relationship problems.

Whether you are a ruby or have a ruby in your life, it is helpful to know the warning signs when a ruby is reaching (or exceeding) their capacity, and help them redirect their energy to maximize their success.

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