Destiny Global, LLC Logo
Destiny Global, LLC Logo

Listen, when I was flat broke and homeless, I started a business out of the trunk of my car. I had NOTHING. I didn’t even have a product! You don’t need huge – or, in some cases, ANY – capital to start your business.

I hear people use this excuse out of their own fear or anxiety. They’re afraid of failing, so they don’t even get started. No matter how good or creative, ideas don’t make money. Fear and anxiety do not make money. Execution makes money. Turn every obstacle into a question… then find the answer!

“I don’t have a computer.” Then, who has a computer you can borrow? How can you save money to buy one? (Check out these 21 easy ways to save money right now).

“I don’t have a workspace.” Is a workspace really necessary for your business? Hello… I was living in my CAR! I didn’t even have an address or phone. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on an office space, to run a successful business. So many highly-profitable businesses today are home-based businesses.

Clear out an area in your house for your workspace. Now, guess what? You can write-off part of your residence on your taxes. Same with your landline or cell phone. Ditto your internet. You can live inside your EXISTING overhead and avoid the hassle, headache and expense of renting a place to work.

“I need capital.” Ask yourself, where can you find it? Do you need an investor? Do you need a business partner? Can you borrow it? Take out a loan? Can you use the training here at to save more money?

Literally, THOUSANDS of businesses can be launched with the barest minimums in start-up costs. I had $2.03 to my name and a $35,000 debt hanging over my head when I got started selling a product… that didn’t even work for me. I wasn’t “passionate” about this product; I was passionate about not being homeless. And that business allowed me to leverage my time and resources, to become very profitable.

I made each obstacle an action step. Don’t make excuses about why you can’t do something… adopt the “I WILL do this” mindset, then go out there and take the next step.

Hey, this might not be your dream business, producing six figures, tomorrow. In fact, I can promise you it won’t be. But you can take steps toward that goal TODAY, by eliminating that mindset you can’t start because you don’t have “enough money.”

YOUR Action Step: Find a solution to at least ONE of the objections holding you back from moving forward in your business.