Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Whether you are an employer or an employee, you influence your team’s productivity, efficiency, and morale. The differences between elite performers and benchwarmers are small but obvious. In this series, Dani will show you how to perform like a champion every day.

If you want to be a success in any arena – and especially if you want be a leader or a person of influence – you must be able to work effectively with people.

So many are limiting their influence (and their income) because they haven’t mastered people skills.

In this teaching series, which includes three bonus Q&A sessions, Dani shows you how simple it is to become the kind of person people like to be around.

Wherever you find yourself in the year, this course will teach you 3 steps to follow to successfully plan so you can put your turn your vision into reality.

Why do some marriages thrive while others just barely survive?

It’s because some couples learn the skills to manage their feelings, their words, and their conflicts in healthy, productive ways.

In this series, Dani shows you what you and your spouse should be able to expect from each other, how to understand the purpose of conflict, and how to get real about sex.

In this course by Carmen O’Quinn we take your goals further. From what a goal is to strategies that will help guarantee you’ll reach them.

Start this course to view its content.

A skill set that is crucial to any business is prospecting. In this course, entrepreneur Jackie O’Quinn is going to teach you 4 skills to get better at prospecting. After watching this course you will gain new confidence when talking to new clients.

Why do so many businesses fail in the first year of operation?

Why do so many profitable companies suddenly drop into oblivion?

Is it a lack of vision? The wrong employees? A bad economy?

No, all too often, the problem is in how money is flowing through the business.

Just like you need to manage your household income, you need to make every dollar in your business work for you or it will simply disappear.

In this series, business owner Carmen O’Quinn will show you how successful CEOs think about money, spending, and profit. As you apply these principles to your business, you will set your business on the path to spectacular growth and longevity.

You are only one person. You can only be in one place at a time and do one thing at a time. Sooner or later you’re going to be in a place where you’ll have to build a team of people.

Teams come in all types and sizes. You’re probably already part of a couple.

In this training from Destiny Global trainers, Jackie and Carmen O’Quinn, and CEO, Ken Brown, you will learn about 9 Keys to Building an Unstoppable Team. Whether that team is at work, at home, at school, or community – you can use these keys to take your team to the next level.

Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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