Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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Life isn’t always easy; at work and at home we all have setbacks that can make us feel like failures. Even world champions feel defeated sometimes. The difference between those who give up and those who press through is that successful people focus their attention on the little victories that make it all worth it.

You have little wins every day for which you can be grateful, and if you know how to look for them, they can be the fuel to keep you moving forward.

It’s halftime and your team is losing. Everyone on the team looks beaten and discouraged when the coach walks in. But he knows something you don’t know: he has the other team’s playbook and he’s coming in to let you know that you can beat them with it. In this explosive video, business owner, speaker, and former NFL star Shawn Harper shares with you the four things every champion knows, why all champions have coaches, and how to win by finishing strong. Get ready to jump out of your chair!

The world is flooded with fear and people are drowning in it. Fear sneaks into a person’s life from all directions, but there is one simple way to flush it out.

Captured live during a Spiritual Equipping event in July 2020, this teaching is as timely as it is powerful. Get free from the fear that is holding you back today.

Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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