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Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"

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Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"

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Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"

profile picture

Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"

profile picture

Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"

profile picture

Jen Horling

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here.

My Areas Of Expertise As A Coach


Global Impact:

A portion of the proceeds from my coaching practice helps those most desperate for the basics of life all around the world.

By hiring me as your coach, your money goes much further through my partnership with King's Ransom Foundation.


+ Owner & Founder of The Overcomers Movement
+ Author of "Finding His Voice - A Journey from Suicide to Success" & "Finding His Timing - A Journey from Confusion to Clarity"
+ Spent over 15 years in the entertainment industry, as a Production Designer, Art Director and Designer. 
+ Lead Graphic Designer from Seasons 19&20 of Hell's Kitchen, Next Level Chef, Disney's Fam Jam, and countless other shows & feature films
+ Huge passion for helping pull people back from the edge. With The Overcomers Movement we send out 'Overcomer Kits' regularly to those who struggle with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone they love to suicide.

Hello and welcome. I’m Jen. Let me introduce myself.

What will you get from coaching with me?

Hi friend! So glad you're here. I don't know your story YET. But I'm so glad you found this page. Why? Because I believe there's something that led you here. 

Maybe you too have been through something horrific. You’ve OVERCOME a lot in life. But now, you feel stuck. Maybe you’ve struggled in business like I have and you dream of being a successful entrepreneur! Maybe you’ve dreamed of making it BIG or got a BIG dream but have no idea how to take the next step, what it could look like or how to go after it! Maybe you’ve wanted to get ahead in your finances but it feels like you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Maybe you see people you admire who seem to have people ALWAYS talking about them, they’re inspiring the world, and you wonder how they do it? Maybe you wish you just knew God’s timing and you’ve wanted to get more into alignment with Him but you just don’t know how? 

I understand. I know what it feels like to want more out of this life. Where you’re at NOW is not the end friend. Let’s do this together. 

If you can relate to any of the above, I would love to talk to you! We’re going to identify what it is that has had you stuck, help you break free, figure out what it is that you really want to do, and then…do it! Did you know that your desire reveals your design?! Not only that, it reveals your destiny! So let’s get you moving! If I can overcome, so can you. I believe in you. It’s time to go from stuck…to succeeding! And it begins with discovering more of who you truely ARE. 

I can't wait to meet you and learn more about our Creator designed YOU to be!

Send me an email to book a FREE call with me: [email protected]

Learn more about "The Gold Track" 7 month identity & branding group experience here:

About me:

When I lost my dad to suicide over 18 years ago what I really needed was to talk to someone. I know how painful, scary, lonely and BROKE the road can be. When I found a coach, everything changed. I learned tools I didn’t even know I needed. Tools that then helped me; 

+ Pay off over 89k in debt in 6 years and become completely debt free.
+ Grow my own design business which doubled and then tripled. 
+ Start a coaching business helping people discover who they truely are, what they were designed to do, and then launch it to the world with branding & logowork!
+ Learn and start investing which is now well over 5 figures, and bringing in significant passive income. 
+ Dynamically change all my relationships. 
+ Go from working mid-level gigs to ones you’d recognize the name of: Hells Kitchen, Disney, Amazon, Bollywood & Chinese films, Youtube stars and so on! 
+ Write and publish my book in 1 year, an amazon bestseller the week it released. Which raised $1k to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Write and publish a 2nd book which is about to release on Amazon!
+ Help raise over $75K amidst COVID to rescue those from sex-trafficking. 
+ Figure out, birth and then launch what I really wanted to do, The Overcomers movement. Which now helps connect those who are currently struggling with those who have overcome and found healing. 
+ Get more aligned with my Creator, and aware of HIS timing and Voice than I’ve ever been. 

Let's Get Started


4 sessions

*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.


2 sessions monthly - $525/month

3 Months of content and calls.
*Schedule FREE Discovery call for more info.

Add ons

Event Tickets
War On Debt™

What clients are saying:

The burdens I was carrying are gone!
"I found myself asking ‘how does she stay SO positive and see all those little things?’. I noticed my mood changes depending on WHO I’m around...and that includes Jen. This is the most people have been over to my house EVER, I now feel closer to my son, other family relationships are mending, and I too can see God providing. I’ve seen miracles in my own family! The burdens I was carrying are gone! I was really struggling with anxiety...but now I CHOOSE to believe that ‘love THINKS the best’. Something better CAN happen!"

Praise God that season is over!
"I am so excited and eager to do so many things now; travel, business, serve in my community and church, teach my boys, dates with my husband, etc. Which is a complete 180 to a few years ago when I did not want to do anything but sleep for a very long time. Praise God that season is over!"

Coaching is that bridge between you and success.
"Coaching is that bridge between you and success. Every time I’ve noticed there’s something between me and success…I have asked for help. You are always overcoming something, and when you have that person to walk with you and help you find the way, that success becomes real. And you definitely find yourself in a good place where you can continue to grow."

There’s been so much breakthrough
"There’s been so much breakthrough. Just going through it made me realize how much I need to cover YOU in prayer because of the program. You are putting yourself in the gap for us. You are leading us through the valley. I’m allowing myself to go to places I don’t normally go. I feel safe here. It’s a spiritual journey. Jen you are brave enough to have paved the road so I’m covering you in prayer more intensely and intentionally."

I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’
"I’ve never slowed down enough to answer ‘who am I?’. What does that mean? No one else gets to determine your value, because they didn’t go to the cross for you, yet I realized I’m listening to all those people. I am just so grateful Jen, I want to THANK YOU that you have been obedient to putting this together because I don’t know where else I would hear this, who would share this, and empower me to say I’m okay! God made me to do what He designed me to do. He didn’t make me like this or that other person but golly I spent a lot of years trying to be like someone else, to have their speaking voice, or their impact on their audiences. And little Jen Horling pops up with this incredible program and REALLY...GIRLFRIEND...this has been life-changing because I came away from just last week realizing how much people are counting on me. ‘Identity issues arise when we’re not in alignment with his design’ …so simple, but so profound. I was like, let me read that again. I look around in our world and it hit me THAT is why we’re in chaos. We’re not in His design! We’re trying to make everything about us. I love Jen that you are raising up an army of us. You’re empowering us, and I know it’s downloaded to you. I thank you that in Romans 12 where it says offer your bodies as living sacrifices, you are offering your life, your time, your energy, to write your book, be transparent, to write all those worksheets every single week in this program!!! You had to start somewhere, and you were willing to do that for people you didn’t even know when you were putting this all together!! And that makes me realize, all that I’m going to do going forward is going to make an impact because He’s designed me to do that. So I won’t have to fear what my identity is, because I’m going to be in HIS design! That was so huge for me."

I can see what was keeping me stuck!
"I never imagined I had THIS, stuck on me. I struggled, I suffered, I was misunderstood, judged...and I was carrying it ALL. I was carrying all that anxiety with me and now I can see it!! I can see that it was affecting EVERYTHING! I have been too hard on my spouse, and haven’t let him be the man of the house because I was afraid he’d let me down. I have to let GO of that responsibility. It was still on my shoulders! THIS IS INSANE...I FEEL SO HAPPY I can see what was keeping me stuck!!"

Business grew 219%!
"My business didn't just increase over the last year as I was coaching with Jen, it went up 219% in comparison to the year before!!! My response to 'would I recommend this coaching to a friend' is an absolute HECK YES!!!"

So much more CLARITY!
"I’ve gotten so much more CLARITY in my goals and how to better manage my time! I’ve had revelation after revelation about heart issues that were in my way. There’s more focus and sweetness in my marriage and quality time with my kids. And what I’ve seen happen to my business and it’s growth, what I paid to coach with Jen has already paid for itself, I was shocked!!"

This is why I'm with you!
"AHHHHH!!!! THIS is why I'm with YOU! God knew what He was doing when He led me to you!"


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