Global Gala 2024 Countdown
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  • Watch the replay from Session 2 and post the following answers here in the group.
    • What is your Fat number?
    • How much Debt did you begin with?
    • How much Debt did you pay-off since Class #1?
    • What is your progress on the Forgiveness Module?
    • What does your Vision for your Finances have in it that is helping you create new habits and patterns to be DEBT FREE?
  • Watch the LifeMap to Success courses listed below to come against old mindsets.
  • Answer questions for Sessions 4, 5 and 6 in Debt Free Accelerator Work Book.
  • Continue with forgiveness workbook.
  • “Press Play” Homework for classes 1 & 2:
    • Developing a Vision – (48:13)
      Part 1: The 10 Areas of Life – 7:44
      Part 2: Vision Starts with Goals – 7:02
      Part 4: Projecting on the Screen of Your Life – 7:02
      Part 5: The Quality All Good Goals Have – 12:02
      Part 6: Success VS Mediocrity: It’s Your Choice – 5:07
      Successful People Always do this – 8:29
    • Unlock a Wealth Mindset (1:44:40 )
      Part 1: Identifying What is Holding You Back – 15:25
      Part 2: Bringing Your Dreams into Reality – 14:23
      Part 3: How to Deal with Trauma and Suffering – 10:44
      Part 4: What do You Allow into Your Mind? – 8:17
      Part 5: The Millionaire Mindset – 15:10
      Part 6: The Difference is in the Skills – 14:15
      Part 7: Getting Past Your Past – 7:25
      Part 8: The most Overlooked Keys to Success – 19:01
Equipping You to Make More, Keep More and Do More
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