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War On Debt Entries – July 2024

Total number of entries: 35

Average reinforcements Found: $984.28

Average Number of Months: 35

Total Debt Paid Off: $4,694,858.14

Average amount of debt paid off: $134,138.80

Total in Savings: $1,241,084.74

Total in Investments: $13,718,106.94

Numbers reported by event attendees:

Class Numbers reported by those 35 people:

Total attending WOD classes: 2

Average reinforcements found: $

Total debt paid off: $0.00

Total in savings: $0.00

Total in investments: $0.00

Date CreatedNameHow many reinforcements have you found?How much debt have you paid off?How long (in months)?Are you debt free?How much do you have in savings?How much do you have in investments?
July 13, 2024Dallas Kohen$1,000.00$25,000.0048no$8,000.00$1,500.00
July 13, 2024Pamela Allard$2,000.00$260,000.0042no$100.00$20,000.00
July 13, 2024Cody Petersheim$285.00$4,786.99no$10,000.00$2,000.00
July 13, 2024Brookelynn Kaski$2,000.00$95,000.003no$75,000.00$0.00
July 13, 2024Mikkel Jensen$0.00$0.000yes$14,000.00$0.00
July 13, 2024Terri Harper$500.00$250,000.00yes$100,000.00$2.50
July 13, 2024Carrie Fromme$100.00$11,000.0012no$2,000.00$6,500.00
July 13, 2024Ernie Peters$75,000.00no$5,000.00
July 13, 2024Phyllis Byers$500.00$5,135.783no$100,000.00
July 13, 2024Aaron & Sara Beay$750.00$175,365.0060no$25,000.00$800,000.00
July 13, 2024Marc Fromme$800.00$14,000.009yes$7,500.00$150,000.00
July 13, 2024Todd & Lisa Cowan$1,200.00$44,000.0039yes$19,000.00$447,000.00
July 13, 2024Sheryl Miller$80,000.0048no$20,000.00$1,500,000.00
July 13, 2024Jordan and Hayleigh Moon$1,100.00$163,500.0072no$6,000.00$90,000.00
July 13, 2024Gideon Harris$200.00$37,000.0020no$1,000.00$1,400.00
July 13, 2024Diego Chavez$1,200.00$6,600.00no$700.00$0.00
July 13, 2024Ben Miller$98,000.0024no$5,800.00$0.00
July 13, 2024Brandon and Cassie Wilson$1,200.00$150,000.0036no$40,000.00$34,000.00
July 13, 2024Clifford Yoder$3,000.00$14,000.008no$2,500.00$3,500.00
July 13, 2024Hannah Pietsch$500.00$75,000.0018no$10,000.00$3,500.00
July 13, 2024Olubunmi Ajagbe$158.00$218,186.3730yes$0.00$250,654.44
July 13, 2024Zipporah Singleton$1,500.00$762,159.0089no$231,740.74$1,130,450.00
July 13, 2024Melissa Neuman$460.00$80,000.0054no$10,000.00$100,000.00
July 13, 2024$4,000.00$292,000.0060yes$300,000.00$4,000,000.00
July 13, 2024Ruchi Mithal$80,000.0020yes$25,000.00$3,250,000.00
Date CreatedNameHow many reinforcements have you found?How much debt have you paid off?How long (in months)?Are you debt free?How much do you have in savings?How much do you have in investments?
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