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Spanish Prospecting & Closing Script Book


Learn professional prospecting and closing skills in record time

If your business requires you to sell a product or service to people, over the phone or in person, you NEED to have Dani Johnson’s Prospecting and Closing Script Book. Stuffed cover-to-cover with scripts that have been proven thousands of times in a wide range of industries, this book has been known to take people from flat broke to six-figures in a matter of months.


Learn professional prospecting and closing skills in record time

If your business requires you to sell a product or service to people, over the phone or in person, you NEED to have Dani Johnson’s Prospecting and Closing Script Book. Stuffed cover-to-cover with scripts that have been proven thousands of times in a wide range of industries, this book has been known to take people from flat broke to six-figures in a matter of months.


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